Thursday, May 12, 2011

Eat Whatever You Want Day

I missed it!!!! I had made a note to blog about this yesterday, but somewhere in the mess of my desk, I lost the note! I guess I should start using the sticky note app on my computer!

So let's pretend today really isn't Thursday, it's still Wednesday and we can celebrate EAT WHATEVER YOU WANT DAY! Seriously, this is probably my most favorite "holidays." :)

To celebrate, here's my list of what I wanted to eat yesterday:

- king crab legs (my husband is highly allergic to crab so I rarely eat it)
- a rare, juicy steak
- a BIG piece of chocolate cake

Starting thinking about your list for next year and come May 11th, you'll be ready for this day! Throw your diet out the window and indulge one day!

Image from iclipart

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